What is a public hearing?
When a local government is considering changes to the Official Community Plan or zoning bylaw, they are required to hold a public hearing.
A public hearing is an opportunity for members of the public, who believe that they have an interest in a property or are affected by a proposed bylaw, to provide verbal or written comments.
When is a public hearing scheduled?
Public hearings are held for Official Community Plan or zoning bylaw changes (amendments).
They are scheduled after Council provides first and second readings of the bylaw and before they consider third reading of the bylaw.
Where do public hearings take place?
Public hearings take place in person at the Parish Hall (140, 7th Street, Lytton) and online via Zoom.
Public notices
Find notices for upcoming public hearings.
What happens after the public hearing?
After the public hearing is closed, Council cannot receive new information or correspondence from the public or applicant on the same bylaw.
Council may consider giving third reading to the proposed bylaw at the Council meeting immediately following the public hearing or may direct staff to bring it forward to another meeting.
During third reading of the bylaw, Council will decide whether it wishes to proceed with the bylaw, make changes to the bylaw, or not proceed.
Watch public hearings
You can watch public hearings by:
- Attending the meeting in person
- Joining the meeting virtually by Zoom
- Watching a live-stream on our YouTube channel
Meeting recordings and minutes
Public hearings are recorded and minutes are posted on our CivicWeb meeting platform.