Business Licensing

All businesses that operate in the Village require a business licence issued by the Village of Lytton. 

Annual licences are issued each year and expire on December 31. 

Daily licences are also available. 

Do I need a business licence?

The following businesses require a licence:

  • Commercial businesses
  • Home-based businesses
  • Mobile vendors
  • Events-related businesses

Business licences are not required for the following: 

  • An organization or student under the age of 16 who sells products of any kind for charitable purposes 
  • A garage sale held on a property that holds no more than two garage sales per calendar year 
  • Individual vendors selling at an event which has obtained a blanket licence (Lytton River Festival or Lytton Two Rivers Farmers’ Market, for example) 

For more information contact the Village Office.

Apply for a business licence

How to apply 

To apply for a business licence: 

  1. Print and complete the Business Licence Application.  Alternatively, pick up a copy at the Village Office. 
  2. Submit the completed application to the Village Office. 
  3. Pay the associated fee. See Make a Payment for payment options. 
  4. Staff (including planning, corporate services, and fire management) will review your application and may require more information. 
  5. If approved, pick up your licence at the Village Office. Staff can also send it in the mail to you.

Print the Business Licence Application*

* The Business Licence Application is on pages 3–4 of the Business Licence Bylaw. 

Application & licence fee

Licence Type Fee
Annual licence $50
Daily licence $10

Fees are set out in Schedule A of the Fees & Charges Bylaw

Renewing an existing licence 

Each December, Village staff will send out a Business Licence renewal request.

  • If your business is operating without changes, you will just need to pay the associated fee.
  • If your business activities have substantially changed, you will need to reapply for a business licence, as above.

Interior Health approval

Interior Health’s Environmental Public Health & Licensing department is involved in business licence approval for regulated industries, such as: 

  • Food premises (including restaurants, tasting rooms, mobiles, food stores, food manufacturing/processing, etc.). Visit Interior Health’s website for additional information about food premises
  • Pools, hot tubs, and spray parks (excluding those for a single-family dwelling) 
  • Personal service establishments where a person provides a service to or on the body of another person, such as tattooing or piercing 
  • Tobacco and vapour (also known as vape or e-cigarette) retail facilities 
  • Community care homes and childcare facilities 

Businesses in these industries must receive approval from Interior Health before operating a business in the Village of Lytton.
