Emergency Evacuations & Sheltering-in-Place

Emergency alerts and orders

When there is an emergency or major disaster, the BC Wildfire Service or local officials may issue one of the following:

  • Evacuation alert
  • Evacuation order
  • Shelter-in-place order

This will depend on the type, location, and potential impacts of the disaster.

Emergency notices

When there is an evacuation alert, order, or rescind, or shelter-in-place order, the Village of Lytton will share this information on this website (www.lytton.ca) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Lytton.ca). 

See Emergency Notices

If you have registered for Voyant Alert!, the Village's emergency notification service, you will receive a phone, text message, or email alert including shelter-in-place instructions.

3 stages of evacuation

There are three stages of evacuation:

  1. Evacuation alert
  2. Evacuation order
  3. Evacuation rescind

Shelter-in-place order

Occasionally an evacuation may cause more danger to residents than staying in place. Officials may issue a shelter-in-place order if it is safer to stay inside than to go outside. Examples are when there is a hazardous substance released, a sudden storm, or an earthquake.

Understanding evacuation language

An evacuation alert is not the same as an evacuation order. It is important to understand evacuation language, so you know what to do in an emergency.

What to do during an evacuation alert, order, or rescind

Find out what to do when an evacuation alert, order, or rescind is issued for your area.

How to shelter-in-place

Find instructions for how to shelter in place.