Sewer Service

Sewer system overview

Treatment facility

The Village of Lytton Sewage Treatment Facility receives and processes the community’s wastewater, also known as sewage. The facility is located on River Road.

Through an extensive treatment process, materials are separated from the wastewater and, ultimately, liquid and solid end products are produced. These end products are biosolids and treated water.

System upgrades

In fall 2023, as part of its recovery efforts after the Lytton Creek fire, the Village hired contractors to prepare for new sewer connections.

This work included the following:

  • Inspecting and flushing sewer lines
  • Verifying existing maps and drawings
  • Recommending priorities for maintenance and repair

Information gathered from this work will inform future investments in the sewer system.

What not to flush or pour down the drain

To keep the sewer system working well and prevent blockages that can result in major damage, keep the following products out of our pipes:

  • Fats, oils, and cooking grease
  • Personal hygiene products (for example, dental floss, wipes even if the package says “flushable”, sanitary pads, tampons and applicators, diapers, condoms, and cotton swabs)
  • Medication (pills and liquid medicines)
  • Household hazardous waste (cleaning products, paint, pesticides, and solvents)
  • Car and garage products (brake fluid, motor oil, and antifreeze)

How to request sewer service

Connection to the Village of Lytton sewer system is available to homes and businesses within municipal boundaries.

Read our guide on how to request sewer service

Application process 

  1. Property owner submits the Application for Sewer Connection, Disconnection, or Inspection.* 
  2. Public Works completes a site-specific assessment to confirm availability and timing of service. 
  3. Public Works and the property owner schedule a day and time for the connection. 
  4. Connection takes place. 

Print the Application for Sewer Connection, Disconnection, or Inspection  

* Considerations for sewer service include the following: 

  • Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure requirements 
  • Archaeology requirements 
  • Any communication or coordination needed with BC Hydro

Residential sewer connection options

The Village will provide sewer service to your property line with a standard 4-inch service to the curb stop. There is no charge for this.

If you wish to request a different service, the Village will provide a cost estimate for this. The property owner will be responsible for paying this cost.

Commercial sewer connection options

The Village will assess commercial connections on a property-specific basis, depending on the intended commercial use.

As with residential service, the Village will provide a standard 4-inch service to the curb free of charge. If any alterations or changes to this service are needed, the Village will provide a cost estimate for this. The property owner will be responsible for paying this cost.

Turnaround time

The turnaround time for service is 30 days, unless issues are identified during the Village’s site-specific assessment.