
The Village of Lytton shares news and updates on this page, through the Village's e-newsletter, and on social media.

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Village newsletter

The Village of Lytton sends out a regular e-newsletter for community members. 

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Social media

The Village shares news and updates on the official Village of Lytton Facebook page

Visit our Facebook page

We also live-stream Council meetings on our YouTube channel:

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Social media terms of use

The Village of Lytton welcomes comments on our Facebook page. Our primary goal is to publish current news stories, events, and engagement opportunities, and promote the Village as a favourable place to live, work, and do business. Our Facebook page is not intended to promote specific businesses or organizations in Lytton, outside of those that are affiliated or managed by the Village. It is not intended to be an official record of public opinion on topics that are reviewed by Council. 

The Village of Lytton reserves the right to remove any comments containing defamatory or offensive language.

Media requests

For all media inquiries and interviews email

Community Events

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